International Humanistic Psychology Association


International Humanistic Psychology Association

is a US federal 501(c)3 Nonprofit organization 

Nonprofit Tax ID#:  37-1521546

All donations are fully Tax Deductible for US federal taxes

There are two options for making a donation in support of our humanitarian work:

1)  By mailed check made out to:
International Humanistic Psychology Association (EIN #: 37-1521546)
and mailed to:

International Humanistic Psychology Association
12170 S. PineAyr Drive, Climax, Michigan 49034 USA

A letter of thank you will be provided to you verifying your contribution for tax reporting purposes.


___ OR ___

  Through our designated
IHPA PayPal Account at:

You will receive an Email PayPal receipt, and a letter of thank you will be provided verifying your contribution for tax deduction reporting purposes.

All donations go directly toward services

International Humanistic Psychology Association
(IHPA) is a professional nonprofit, nongovernmental organization established and based in the US, and granted federal 501(c)3 status since 2005. We are dedicated to a philosophy of strategic collaboration with like-purposed NGOs in addressing large scale humanitarian crises. IHPA closely partners with
Common Bond Institute (CBI) in creating and conducting local capacity building psycho-social training and treatment programs, and over 50 major international training conferences on conflict transformation and social healing, in countries experiencing conflict and turmoil. We also cooperate in publishing the International Journal of Communal and Transgenerational Trauma.

Descriptions of this work are available through the above menu links.

Fuller details on these same efforts are available through CBI’s website at:

Requests for further information on donating to IHPA can be directed to:
